The Importance of Dogs Interactions

Imagine what would happen to you if you spent all day cooped up inside of your house with almost no interaction with the outside world. It probably wouldn’t be long before you started driving yourself crazy! You might even turn into a mean and nasty person due to lack of interaction. Well, guess what? The… Read more »

Easter and Your Pet

The Easter holidays are a special time to share with your family, eat good food and enjoy the spring weather. But when you’re having a bunch of family members come to your home for Easter dinner, there are a few things you may not have realized can be a hazard to your pet. Here are… Read more »

Spring Means Allergies – For Your Dog, Too!

Spring is almost upon us, and that means for many of us, our allergy symptom will be in full swing. Allergies don’t just affect humans, however. Your beloved canine companion can also be affected. Dogs’ immune systems function much like our own, which means that when some pollens or other springtime irritants are breathed in,… Read more »

Daycare and Your Dog: More than Just Playtime

Some people may hear “doggy daycare” and scoff, but the truth is that enrolling your pup in a daycare program offers much more than just play time for your dog. Most of us spend more than eight hours away from home during the week, tending to our job responsibilities, and then another eight hours sleeping…. Read more »

Looking and Feeling Good: Why Grooming Is Good for Your Pet

Why groom your dog? Is there a point to it? Of course there’s a point! Humans cut their nails and hair and dogs should too! It is an essential way to maintain your dog’s health and happy disposition. No one likes dog hair everywhere, and regularly brushing your dog can cut down on dog hair… Read more »

Stay Connected With Your Pet No Matter Where You Are

At Tailwaggers Country Inn, we know that your pet is a huge part of your family and we understand that the health and well-being of your “fur baby” is important to you. Going on vacation or out of town is great, but when you leave your pet behind, it can lead to large amounts of… Read more »

Preparing Your Pup for the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, which means that thousands of people will be traveling to visit their loved ones. We’re all for people visiting family and friends, but what does that mean for your furry companion? Dogs, while friendly and loving, can be put under large amounts of stress as a result of holiday… Read more »

Keeping Your Pets Safe on All Hallows Eve

Halloween is roughly a week away, and every member of the family is sure to have a blast while dressed up in their costumes. Nowadays, though, this can even include your pets. Yes, your furry four-legged friends are beginning to partake in the festivities of dressing up, with characters like Bat-Cat, Super-Dog and a full… Read more »

Who’s Fetching What? Why Some Dogs Don’t Bring Back the Ball

Everyone knows the game of fetch. It’s fun and a great way for you and your dog to bond. However, sometimes your dog won’t bring the ball or stick back to you. How frustrating! But why is that? Why are some dogs more inclined to bring back the item you throw than other breeds? Retrievers,… Read more »

The Importance of Rabies Vaccines

At Tailwaggers Country Inn, we know how your dog can quickly become another member of the family. And, just like the human members of your family, it is important to take care of your pup to be sure he or she has all the medical attention needed to have a happy life full of tailwagging… Read more »