Tailwaggers Country Inn is your pet dog’s vacation destination. Yes, even dogs could use a vacation, sometimes, especially if the house is rowdy, right?
That said, Tailwaggers of Texas sees a lot of different dogs come through its doors and they all have names. Some are more common names like Max, while others are a bit out there, like “Annie Guacamole” or “The Great Catsby.” People can be very creative when naming their dogs.
Now while no list can ever be truly definitive of favorite dog names of a particular year, Healthy Paws, a pet insurance website, did ask their clients to share the name(s) of their dogs to find out what names were popular last year. So, the results came back and it turns out Cooper and Bella were the big winners. Charlie came in third. As for cats, in case you wondered, Oliver and Luna were the big names.
If you wondered what were some of the top male dog names last year, they included Buddy, Leo, Rocky, Tucker, Milo, Oliver, and Teddy. Some of the top female dog names included Lucy, Daisy, Lola, Stella, Penny, Bailey, Sadie and Sophie. Notice a lot of female dog names end in “ie” or “y.” Come to think of it, male dog names often end in “y” too. So, if you’re thinking of what to name your new pet dog, why not just pick a name you like, and then add the letter y to it for fun. Decide if it “works” or not!
What do you think might be some of the new names coming onto the scene in 2018 and the years to come? Usually, you can figure out what will be popular by paying attention to TV shows and the worlds of music and movies. If there’s a character that makes a great impact one year, then the next year you’ll find a lot of human babies and puppy dogs receiving that name. That would explain why certain names become popular, while others just don’t. People often pull names from the entertainment industry, which makes sense since we’re all inundated with media these days. It’s an easy source for name inspirations.
If you’re looking for a wonderful environment for your dog to enjoy while you’re away, consider Tailwaggers Country Inn.